I went to bed yesterday at 4:30pm and got up at 1am. This time I'm going to try to stay up until 8pm, since I have to be somewhere late in the day to-morrow. You know, none of this shit would matter if I was a hermit. I could just sleep when I got tired, and wake up when I wasn't. Why can't life be like in Baldur's Gate, where I have my characters travel on foot for three days without rest, only to have them yawn and say, "I'm gettin' a little sleepy."
I finally finished the new Boschen and Nesuko script this morning. It looks like it's going to be a much easier chapter to draw than I thought it was going to be. And I think a significant portion of my readers might hate the chapter, while another portion will feel it's long overdue. We'll see.
Technically, I ought to be working on the first page to-day, but I'm already feeling dull and useless. And it's only noon. This day shall be an interesting struggle. I may do a lot of walking.
I picked up Beetlejuice and The Philadelphia Story on DVD yesterday. Beetlejuice was seven dollars, while The Philadelphia Story was sixteen dollars. I'm used to older movies--particularly non-special deluxe commentary orgy editions--being cheaper. But the trend seemed to be the reverse at Best Buy yesterday. I'd wanted to get Bringing Up Baby, but I couldn't do it for 20 dollars, knowing its bound to be cheaper in a couple months. If it hasn't totally vanished from shelves, like The Maltese Falcon seems to've.
Of course I know I'm a sucker for getting Beetlejuice, as new special editions of Tim Burton movies seem to be coming out every couple days.
Well, this exciting post is ending now.